► 4SHIVA SRL is certified EN ISO 9001: 2015 for the quality management system, sectors IAF / EA 33 and 35 for: - Design, supply, installation and maintenance of ICT services, cyber security and company audit .
► 4SHIVA SRL is ISO / IEC 27001: 2024 certified for the information security management system, sectors IAF / EA 33 and 35 for: - Design, supply, installation and maintenance of ICT services, cyber security and company audit.
►4SHIIVA SRL is UNI/PdR 125:2022 certified for the management system for gender equality in the company.
► 4SHIVA SRL has CEH Certified Ethical Hacker certified internal staff.
+06 36712017
4Shiva S.r.l.
Piazza del Popolo 18
Rome Italy, 00187
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